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Carpool Procedures


Arrival/Dismissal Procedures 2023-24

*No dismissal changes after 3:30 p.m.*

  • Parents and guardians should remain in their cars. 
  • Please turn off all phone & computer devices.
  • Please be patient. It may take some time to get into the new routine. 

AM Carpool Procedures

  • Students may be dropped off on the Upper Lot starting at 8:35 a.m.
  • Please do not drop your student off and leave them unsupervised. 
  • Old Bonhomme staff will be available to open doors and help your student out of the vehicle.
  • Please pull forward and refrain from stopping in front of the door. This allows us to keep traffic off of Old Bonhomme Road. 

PM Carpool Procedures 

  • You can enter the Upper Lot at 3:30 p.m.
  • All car rider students are dismissed at 3:45 pm.  
  • Prior to active dismissal, you will not be able to park along Old Bonhomme Road. The Olivette Police Department will ask you to circle around.
  • Enter the carpool line by turning right only. This will help keep traffic flowing.
  • Begin forming two lines immediately. One line will form to the right along the perimeter of the lot. The other will form to the left along the staff parking spaces. Please see the visual for a more clear idea of how this will work. 
  • Please have your family name card displayed in the windshield on the right. An OB Staff member will greet you and write down your student’s name.    
  • OB Staff will load several cars at a time.
  • Once all students are loaded, OB staff will direct Row 1 (perimeter of lot) to exit first, followed by Row 2.
  • The next set of cars will be directed to pull forward.
  • When leaving the Upper Lot, you can only make a right turn onto Old Bonhomme Road to keep traffic moving. 
  • If your student is not ready to load your vehicle, you will be asked to pull into a parking space.  An OB staff member will walk your student to you.

Walkers and Bike Riders

  • AM Walkers and Bike Riders should enter through the front entrance.
  • PM walkers and bike riders will be dismissed at 3:45 p.m.
  • They will exit the building using the front entrance or side (door 10 near flag pole) entrances. Both of these are in the front circle lot in the front of the building. This is the same general space that was used last year for walkers and bike riders. 
  • Please talk with your child about a designated space in the front to meet caregivers so they are not searching for you.
  • As soon as you have your child, please leave the lot. Our BASK families can begin pulling in the front lot as soon as walkers and bike riders have left and the chain has been removed from the entrance (about 4:05 p.m.).


  • Drop off in the front lot until 8:30 a.m. The chain will be pulled at that time and drop off will need to be on the Upper Lot. 
  • Pick-Up in the front lot anytime after 4:05 p.m.